#TwitterBook, by Andreas Ramos

#TwitterBook by Andreas Ramos Amazon Best Seller

Get the #1 Amazon Best Seller. The inside scoop on how to use Twitter. In only 98 pages, you'll learn how to use hashtags, get followers, and use Twitter. Practical, hands-on, and in plain English.

Lots of surprising details: What teens are doing on Twitter, how the police uses Twitter, how to use Twitter in a disaster, plus my list of the best tools.


Read about my #TwitterBook in a Forbes column by Rob Wynne.

Get the Book

Get your #TwitterBook at Amazon as a paperback book or an ebook. The ebook can be read on any digital device: iPad, iPhone, Android, laptop, desktop, and Kindle. Go to Amazon.

Book Details

#TwitterBook by Andreas Ramos. 1st ed., Oct. 2013. 2nd ed. Sept. 2014. Illustrations, index, glossary. 86 pages in print ($9.95) or eBook ($3.95). ISBN 978-0-9893600-4-3. Available at Amazon.


I post book updates (including whole chapters) at my blog.



Links from the book's References:

  • Adapting Social Spam Infrastructure for Political Censorship, by Kurt Thomas, Chris Grier, and Vern Paxson. Proceedings of the USENIX Workshop on Large-Scale Exploits and Emergent Threats (LEET) bit.ly/1agENDU
  • Hatching Twitter: A True Story of Money, Power, Friendship, and Betrayal, by Nick Bilton (Portfolio Hardcover, November, 2013). The inside story of Twitter. Excerpt at nyti.ms/15kLBlr
  • Intrinsic versus Image-Related Motivations in Social Media, by Prof. Olivier Toubia, Columbia Business School, and Prof. Andrew Stephen, University of Pittsburgh (PDF). bit.ly/16UsC1B
  • Kan Facebook og Twitter redde 'foråret'? ("Can Facebook and Twitter Save the Arab Spring?"), by Bjørn Bredal (Politiken, Sept. 16, 2013, in Danish) bit.ly/1cb1Y61
  • Linked: The New Science of Networks, by Albert-Laszlo Barabasi (Plume, 2003). Review and summary of the book at andreas.com/faq-barabasi.html
  • The Social Employee, by Cheryl and Mark Burgess (McGraw-Hill, 2013). Overview and case studies of social at enterprise companies. bit.ly/1bLGek8
  • Teens, Social Media, and Privacy, by Mary Madden et al (Pew, May 21, 2013). Research by The Pew Research Center's Internet & American Life Project on how teens use social media. bit.ly/191zI4W
  • Trial by Twitter, by Ariel Levy (The New Yorker, Aug. 5, 2013) nyr.kr/13jrH64