硅谷初创 Startup (Translated to Chinese)
Posted: 15 November 2020

How to Build a Silicon Valley-style Startup
- Author: 安德列亚斯·拉莫斯 (美)
- 林敬农 韦忠和 译 (Translated by J.N. Lin and Frank Wei)
- 安德列亚斯·拉莫斯 (Andreas Ramos) 在硅谷工作生活了近三十年,现在 California Science and Technology University (CSTU) ,加州科技大学,教授数字营销课程。安德烈亚斯著有并出版了十四本关于市场营销的书,其中一本由中国清华大学出版社出版。安德烈亚斯毕业于德国海德堡大学,会四种语言,和太太还有猫住在加州硅谷帕拉阿图市。
- March 6, 2020 (Publication date)
- 218 Pages
- Available at Amazon.com
- Based on the #1 Amazon Best Seller
- How to build a Silicon Valley-style startup
- How to find co-founders and advisors
- Find accelerators, incubators, co-working spaces
- How to deal with stock, lawyers, angel investors, and venture capital
- 26 interviews with founders, heads of accelerators, and VCs around the world
- Practical guide to startup based on the long time field experience
Get the book in English, French, Spanish, Chinese, Korean, or Audio
You can also get the Startup book in English, French, Spanish, Korean, Chinese, or Audio.